1When Nick's girlfriend dumps him at graduation, he has a colossal meltdown in front of the ent不实梦境
11Lucid Dreaming forces the dreamer's dreamworld to merge with his waking one. But at what cost世外者们
5An off-the-wall comedy set in the world of the Bystanders - invisible immortals who watch over their夜间女妖
6英國來的準新郎,準備在未婚妻的故鄉波蘭舉行傳統婚禮。婚禮前夕收到別墅做大禮,當他興高采烈在院子開挖,準備為兩人未來的家整理新貌,卻意外挖出一具白骨。 婚禮當天,熱鬧的筵席從白天進行到黑夜,觥籌交錯間- 斯洛伐克影史上傳奇性的代表作之一。導演杜珊哈波斯藉由這部影片描述城市中年輕男女的悲喜生活。這些年輕人必須面對真實人生,並學習浪漫愛情有時可能也會帶來傷害。本片雖然歷史悠久,但是片中音樂氣氛的營造讓本片
1From Joseph Conrad's great novel comes the story of a young seaman trying to helm a damaged bo黄金时段
1In 1999 Sebastian locks himself in a TV studio. He has two hostages, a gun, and an important messa- Set at the turn of the century, the story concerns a Polish poet living in Cracow who has decided